Modifiers: Adjectives and Adverbs


An adjective is a word that modifies, or changes, a noun.
A cat walked past my window.

Everyone who reads that sentence probably pictures a different cat.

A large orange striped cat walked past my window.

Now I have modified the picture in your mind so it matches mine.

Adjectives answer the questions which one, what kind, and how much/many.

Which one: That car has been in a crash.
What kind: We have black squirrels in our neighborhood.
How much: I ate too much sugar for breakfast.
How many: I saw five swans in our pond.

The articles are the most common of all adjectives. There are three of them: thea, and an.
Definite article: the (You know which one you are talking about.)
Indefinite articles: aan (You don't know which one you are talking about.)

Use a before a word that begins with a consonant sound (not a consonant letter). Use an before a word that begins with a vowel sound (not a vowel letter). An was created because it is difficult to say a before a word that begins with a vowel sound. An is easier to say. Therefore, it is the sound of the beginning of the word that matters, not the letter itself.

a carrot, a unicorn, a yellow apple (Yes, u is a vowel, but the sound is a consonant y sound)
an apple, an umbrella, an honor (Yes, h is a consonant, but the sound is a vowel o sound)
Most adjectives we will deal with in this lesson are descriptive adjectives. They usually come before the nouns they are modifying. Other adjectives in sentences may act as subject complements (predicate adjectives) or as object complements.

Different Types of Adjectives

When looking at words and how they are used in sentences, sometimes the same word can be used as different parts of speech in different sentences. Words that are usually nouns or pronouns sometimes act as adjectives.

Nouns: Sometimes nouns are used as adjectives.

Rachelle prefers chocolate cookies.

Chocolate is usually a noun, but here it tells what kind of cookies.

That tree branch fell through my kitchen window.

Tree and kitchen are usually nouns, but here they tell what kind of branch and window.

Possessive Nouns: Possessive nouns actually always act as adjectives.

The teacher's desk is in front of the class.

Teacher is a noun, but the possessive form is telling whose desk.

Proper Nouns: Sometimes proper nouns are used as adjectives.

Her dress was covered in Brussels lace.

Brussels is a city, but here it is telling what kind of lace.

Some adjectives are both possessive and proper nouns.
That is Maia's new laptop.

Maia is a proper noun, but the possessive form is telling whose laptop.

Proper Adjectives: Sometimes new adjectives are formed from proper nouns. Just like proper nouns, proper adjectives need to be capitalized.

Strangely the Chinese restaurant also served spaghetti, an Italian dish.

China and Italy are places. They become Chinese and Italian when they are used as adjectives.

Pronouns: Some pronouns can be used as adjectives. If a pronoun is used by itself, it is a pronoun. If it modifies a noun, it is being used as an adjective.

  • Demonstrative pronouns: thisthatthesethose
    These toys are for the children's shelter.
  • Possessive pronouns: myyourhisherourtheir
    My brother has lost his skateboard.
  • Interrogative pronouns: whichwhosewhat
    Which car belongs to your sister?
  • Indefinite pronouns: allanybotheacheitherfewmanyneitheroneseveralsome
    Some people like warm weather.
 To determine if a pronoun is being used as a pronoun or as an adjective, ask what? after the pronoun. If you get a logical answer, it is acting as an adjective.
This is your sundae. (This what? nothing - it is a pronoun.)
This sundae is yours. (This what? sundae - it is an adjective)

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