Paper Art City

 Paper Art City 

How to Make a Paper Airplane

1. Crease a piece of letter-sized paper in half lengthwise. Get a piece of printer paper that’s a rectangle and lay it on a flat surface. Fold the paper in half lengthwise so the paper looks like a long rectangle. Crease the fold with your fingernail before unfolding the paper again.

(If you want to make a colored paper airplane, use construction paper instead.)

2.Bring the top corners toward the center crease. Once the paper is flat again, grab one of the top corners and fold it toward the crease you just made to form a triangle. Press along the fold with your fingernail so the fold stays in place. Repeat the fold along the other top corner so the top of your paper forms a point

(Make sure the crease points toward you when you’re folding your paper airplane or else you’ll fold the wrong corners.)

3.Fold the angled top edges toward the crease again. Grab the new top corner on one side of your paper and fold toward the crease to form a long triangle. Run your fingernail across the fold to secure it in place. Fold the other top corner in the same way so your piece of paper looks like a large triangle.

Fold the paper along the centerline. Use the first crease you made as a guide for making your next fold. Fold the airplane in half along the crease so the triangles you made are on the inside. Slide your fingernail across the crease so the fold stays in place.[4]

This fold creates the bottom of your plane so it’s easier to hold and throw once it’s finished.

5.Crease the angled side toward the center fold to create the wings. Bring the angled side of the paper to the fold you just made down the middle. Crease the paper with your knuckle or fingernail. Flip the paper airplane over to create the wing on the other side. Once both sides are creased, unfold them slightly so the plane is flat on top.

(Make sure your wings are symmetrical to one another so your plane stays level when you throw it.)

How to Make a Paper Boat

1.All you need is a sheet of paper letter sized or A4. Regular print paper is perfect for this project. Use as many colors as possible.

Start off with a sheet of paper and fold it in half downwards.

2.Fold in half again as shown on the second image (you don’t need to make the crease from top to bottom – you just need to mark the center).

3.Bring corners to the center so that you get a triangle shape with a rectangle under it.

4.Fold the rectangle part under the triangle upwards (as shown with the purple spots) – flip your origami and do the same on the other side

5.Grab the center of the triangle shape as indicated on the first image above with the red spot and pull both sides (holding the red spot) out. Flatten.

6.You’ll get the shape as shown on the second image above (ignore that red spot in the left bottom corner – I have no idea how that one came there haha).

7.Fold the front layer up (as shown with the green spot) flip the origami boat to be and do the same with the back layer. You’ll get a triangle shape.

8.Pull the sides outwards and you’ll again get the square shape as shown on the first image bellow

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