Simple Subjects

 Simple Subjects

The subject of a sentence is the noun or pronoun that the sentence is about.
Ask yourself, "Who did it?" or "What did it?"
Carlos wrote a letter to his uncle. (Carlos did the writing.)
My neighbor's dog barked all night. (The dog did the barking.)
A proper name or compound noun is considered a single word.
Fred Mosby will be my new tutor.
The police officer explained what had happened.

Simple Predicates 

The simple predicate of a sentence is the verb that is done in the sentence. It can be the action that happens, the state of being, or the linking verb.
Ask yourself, "The subject did what?" It can help if you find the subject first.
Carlos wrote a letter to his uncle. (Carlos did what? He wrote.)
My neighbor's dog barked all night. (Dog did what? It barked.)
A verb phrase is considered a single idea; therefore, it is still a simple predicate.
Fred Mosby will be my new tutor.
The police officer had explained what happened.
Not is not a verb. Therefore, it cannot be part of the simple predicate. Be careful when dealing with contractions.
I don't want spaghetti for dinner again.
I do not want spaghetti for dinner again.

Challenging Subjects 

Challenge 1: Questions

In questions, the subject is often either after the verb or between parts of the verb phrase.

Where are my slippers?
Will we be going to the mall?
Keep all the words and turn the sentence into a declarative sentence.
We will be going to the mall.

Challenge 2: Commands

In commands, the subject of the verb is always the unstated you.

Raise your hand. = (YouRaise your hand.

Challenge 3: Inverted order

Sometimes for emphasis, writers will switch around the parts of the sentence. In those sentences, the subject is usually after the verb.

Behind the bookcase is the door to the secret room.
Find the verb first and ask yourself who did it. You can also turn the sentence back to the usual order.
What is? The door is.
The door to the secret room is behind the bookcase.

Challenge 4: Sentences that begin with here/there

If a sentence begins with here or therehere or there is never the subject.

Sometimes here or there are adverbs telling where the subject is. Often, though, the words here or there are considered expletive constructions - words that are expressions we use that have no real meaning in the sentence.
Here are your missing earrings.
There goes the four o'clock train.
Find the verb first and then ask yourself who did it. You can also rearrange the sentence to the usual order.

What are here? Earrings.
Your missing earrings are here. (In this case, here works as an adverb.)

What goes there? Train.
The four o'clock train goes there. (In this case, there is an explicative expression.)

Challenge 5: Subjects followed by prepositional phrases

Sometimes a noun is followed by a prepositional phrase explaining more about the noun. It is easy to confuse the subject with the object of the preposition.

The box of books belongs in the library.
The members of the committee worked hard to come up with a plan.
Think of the prepositional phrase in parentheses.
The box (of books) belongs in the library.
The members (of the committee) worked hard to come up with a plan.

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